Friday, April 24, 2009

You Tell Me

You tell me that you've missed me
but yet you're never here.
You tell me I'm important
but you don't comfort me when I fear.
You tell me you want me around
but one day a week is enough.
You tell me I can share with you
but you're never good with emotional stuff.
You tell me this, you tell me that,
and your words all sound so good.
But where are the actions to back them up?
You don't do the things you should.
No matter how well things seem to go
you always find a way to let me down.
I'm not without feelings,
I'm not the ever-smiling clown.
You're content with the way things are
but I most certainly am not.
I have given it the good 'ol college try,
I've given you a worthy shot.
Now the question is,
though it may sound strange,
when am I going to get the strength
to tell myself to make the change?

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