Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Upcoming Projects

I'm getting so much awesome feedback about my stories. I never thought when I wrote my first story for Microfantasy Monday that writing erotica would become such a big part of my life. It's been such a great outlet for me and I really appreciate all of the comments that you all have left me. I am hoping to begin a longer work, something based more in fantasy, soon. I also have ideas for a novel I'd like to begin writing, something based loosely on my experiences since I separated from my ex-husband, a humorous yet erotic depiction of a divorcee coping with the new experiences of being single once again.
The only thing standing in my way is time! There are so many things going on at work and then my kids keep me busy at home, of course. I'm really hoping to start working on the long fantasy story soon and I'm going to start outlining the novel, too.
Just wanted to give you an ipdate of what's going on with me. Thanks again for your feedback. I hope you keep you entertained and hard/wet for a long time to come! :)

1 comment:

  1. Time will forever be your enemy, even if you decided to write full-time. That's because we can always find something else to do, something we *should* do, besides write. If you really want to write, make writing a priority, just as your kids and work etc., is. Set a time aside for your writing on your schedule, put it on your calendar, tell your kids you are "working" during that time--whatever it takes! :-)

    Good luck, and I look forward (as a fellow writer attempting to write an erotic novel) to following your progress & hearing of your success!

